Monday, July 8, 2013

Dragon Ball Z Episode 5: Gohan’s Rage

We open on Gohan’s true power being shown.  Somehow his power level is so high he manages to hurt Raditz with a headbutt to the chest.  Considering this child doesn’t even train and he managed to do something Goku and Piccolo combined couldn’t is pretty interesting and sets up the mystery of how Gohan is so strong.

While Raditz is distracted by his desire to kill Gohan, Goku grabs him from behind in a full nelson.  Now Piccolo has the time to charge up his attack, and he knows it will land because Raditz can’t move.  The only problem with this plan is that Goku will be killed by the attack as well.  Goku being the hero he is sacrifices his life so that this villain can be defeated.

Piccolo taunts Raditz before he dies by telling him it’s no big deal for Goku, as his friends will wish him back using the Dragon Balls.  Unfortunately for Piccolo and the Earth, Raditz isn’t the only one who hears this information.  Before Raditz dies he tells our heroes that there are other Saiyans listening in, who are even more powerful than he is, and they are on their way now that they know about the Dragon Balls.  We also see the mysterious Saiyans talking with each other, already deciding they want to wish for eternal life so that they can become something called a Super Saiyan.

This whole introduction is an important one, as it sets the course for this show. It opens our Dragon Ball universe up for endless possibilities now that we know there are other aliens out there who are very strong.  It also shows the writers are not afraid to kill off main characters even early in the series (even if they can be brought back).  Who would have guessed when DBZ started that Goku would be dead within 5 episodes?  We know at this point that anything is game in this series.

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