Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Dragon Ball Z Episode 19: Defying Gravity

King Kai observes Goku acting like an Ape and asks him who he is.  King Kai is a bit goofy for a martial arts master and is more concerned about telling jokes than anything else.  Goku has to pretend King Kai’s jokes are funny just to get Kai to consider training him.  King finally says he will train Goku if Goku can make him laughs.  After presenting some jokes in an intimidating way, Goku succeeds.

King Kai explains that the gravity on his planet is at least ten times that of the earth.  King Kai has Goku jump so he can feel the difference in the gravity.  King Kai is impressed with Goku’s ability to jump so high under such severe gravity.  Goku explains the situation to King Kai, about the Saiyans who are on their way to destroy the earth.  Kai uses his powers to search the cosmos and estimates the Saiyans will arrive on earth in 88 days.

King Kai doesn’t seem too worried and says he can get Goku ready in time.  Training with Kai full time for 88 days is equal to training on earth for thousands of years.  The problem is, King Kai says that the two Saiyans coming to earth are even stronger than he is so there is no guarantee that Goku can win.  Kai has Goku chase bubbles (the ape).  If Goku can catch bubbles under this gravity, he will be ready for further training.  Goku removes his weighted clothes which makes him much faster.  Goku still isn’t fast enough though.  Goku has to stop and take a break to eat (and insults Kai by saying his food isn’t very good).

King Kai starts talking about all of his hobbies, which mostly consist of him driving his car around his very small planet.  Kai wants Goku to put his weighted clothes back on because the Saiyans live on a planet with ten times gravity as well.  Goku will need every advantage he can to win this fight.  Back on earth, Piccolo is still training Gohan.  Gohan is definitely getting stronger, but he still isn’t strong enough.  Piccolo gives Gohan no mercy when it comes to training.

After training, Piccolo and Gohan talk.  Piccolo says that after they defeat the Saiyans, Goku is next on his hit list.  Gohan says that they don’t have to fight anymore because he can tell that Piccolo has changed.  Gohan says Piccolo is like a big green uncle to him.  Even though Piccolo doesn’t like to hear this, it’s true.  Piccolo has changed.  On Kai’s planet, Goku starts using some strategy and cuts bubbles off over and over again, wearing bubbles out.  Goku eventually masters the gravity and captures bubbles.

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